Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning isn't just for clothes!

When was the last time...

you looked through your makeup bag or bathroom cabinets.. and realized you've been collecting a whole bunch of.. well STUFF!

Spring is the perfect time to say out with the old and keep the essentials

To help you through the process, here are some tips to help you let go of what you THINK you may need.

Clean your makeup brushes and throw away any that are falling apart

Throw away expired products (products usually have a 1 year shelf life) and replace what you NEED!! 

Toss products that are unwanted or not needed

Clean and organize the area / your makeup bag

Change your sunscreen

Change your moisturizer

Look for a lighter palette and try lightweight foundations

If you're like me...

You may think you'll "one day" use the products, but trust me.. do yourself a favor, listen to Fabolous and THROW IT IN THE (GARBAGE) BAG!!!

What are some ways you spring clean?

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